Connect all the dots between strategic, financial, and operational plans for a more efficient, effective, and collaborative approach.



Get end-to-end visibility of the entire planning process.



The world-leading Syncron Service Cloud, choice of Industry leaders to optimize aftermarket service, delivered to you by Simbus.

The increasing market volatility in today’s business environment is exposing the weakness inherent in the planning processes followed by most organizations. It is now more important than ever for companies to overcome functional boundaries and bring their various components together to understand the core drivers of business performance and make smarter decisions. Simbus brings to you Integrated Business Planning (IBP), powered by BOARD.


What is IBP?

For any organization to succeed, it needs to make plans that are often shared globally and cover multiple levels of business processes. In such a scenario, making sure that the plans are in line with the business strategy and are also within the expectations of the finance department is becoming increasingly challenging these days. Every department works on its own plan, and there is seldom any communication with the wider organization to ensure that everyone’s plans are aligned. There is a need to bring these plans together to maximize efficiency and drive superior business performance.

An Integrated Business Plan (IBP) unifies the 3 core components of an organization’s planning activity: the strategic, operational, and the financial plans. Unlike other plans, an IBP is an ongoing process with constant reviews and adjustments to get the best results possible.

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Why IBP?

Typically, business processes do not respect functional boundaries. However, the planning that goes behind these processes is done in departmental silos. To ensure that the limited resources available to an organization are allocated efficiently, there needs to be a single, consistent enterprise-wide plan. An IBP recognizes the need for collaboration and dialogue between all critical functions of an organization. A single, connected, plan that is mutually agreed upon by the entire organization also results in an inherent accountability for the delivery of results. 


The world’s #1 decision-making platform, enabling organizations to analyze, simulate, and forecast in a single, user-friendly environment.

A global leader in the BI & Analytics space, with 3500+ customers across many industries, a 97% renewal rate and 95% PoC wins.

A leading position-holder in several analyst reports, frequently top-ranked in end-user experiences.

The only product to be included in four different Gartner Magic Quadrants.

BOARD offers:

Data Centralizations
Business-wide data is automatically collected from various sources to create a single version of the truth.

Every component of Board guarantees maximum development speed with high performance

Ease of use
Board’s user-friendly platform simplifies dealing with data and performing in-depth analyses

User Self-sufficiency
Users can create personalized dashboards to work with data and draw insights that matter the most to them

Choice of deployment
Board can be hosted on-premise or in-cloud, opening up a whole new range of possibilities and increasing the pace of global collaboration 


Smart, real-time versioning thanks to unlimited plans and versions

Multidimensional interaction and allocation

Machine learning and predictive forecasting

Multi-language support

Advanced Office integration

Dynamic modelling and scenario management

Unmatched data entry capabilities

Data virtualization

How can IBP benefit your business?

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Bottom-up support for top-down financial plans

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More agility and smarter decision making

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Increased speed of planning, budgeting, and forecasting

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Narrower gaps between plans and operational reality

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Quicker response to market changes

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More enterprise-wide transparency

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A single version of the truth

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Alignment of strategic, financial and operational goals

Are you ready for IBP?

Our process maturity assessment tool gives you a comprehensive understanding of the status-quo of your organization’s planning processes across Demand Planning, Strategic Planning, Workforce Planning, Marketing Planning, Financial Planning, Purchase/Outsource Planning, and Production & Logistics Planning compared to the global standards of excellence.

You will get an insight into the roadmap to and the timeline of the benefits you will accrue across each department by adopting Board’s Integrated Business Planning software.

The Maturity Assessment Tool gives you a holistic view of your organizational planning as it stands today. It will help you understand areas with potential to improve and make it easy for you to compete with global brands with complete digital transformation.

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